Sunday, January 2, 2011

What's your vision this new year?

"The weak are blind; champions visualize their dreams and goals and stop at nothing to see them as a reality." -Samy I.

This can be a very interesting time of year,  a time for reflection, renewal and growth. The energy in winter is very dense, but it also points us toward's the upcoming spring and the change's that come with that. To remind us that we all have season's of rest and great change.

And like the sun, we are all meant to shine. So  I feel compelled to remind you today that you need to shine, dont hold it inside of you, dont think you're not good enough, that you have nothing to offer. YOU are so valuable, you are so loved, you are a beautiful creation, you are a vibrant soul! 

This is your time to seize the day and go find what wonderful thing's beckon you, whether it's around the next corner or across the country. 
May you know how blessed you are beloved friend's. May it be that you find beauty in the everyday, that you offer kindness and love to other's, that you create thing's of wonder from honest self expression.

But it's so crucial that you set you vision upon the right thing's, the positive and not the negative. Upon the light and not the dark, upon the truth about yourself and not the lies other's have told you. Because at the end of the day, you will have to live with the choices you made and no one else! Set you eyes on your bliss and your dream's. Never, ever give up hope.

And know for certain that you are here to share your greatness and your strength, your love and your courage. Whatever bad thing's you have been through dont disqualify you, in fact  they have prepared you for this new year so you can do more and be more. Offer up your heart and your talent's to other's. You are needed and wanted.

My wish is that you have a wonderful and fulfilled year.

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