Saturday, January 15, 2011

What's your focus?

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him." -Buddha

See the key you hold in your hand's. That key is not physical, it's invisible. But it's the most important key you own, it's the key to your soul and heart. Only you have the ability to use it. Because no one else has the ability to unlock your vast potential that lays in your soul. But this will also require sacrifice and courage, for you will have to let go of the fear's that lay in your thought's, the shadow in your soul. 
You may be used to speaking and thinking upon negative thing's, afraid that you cant have a better life. 

But has 'living' that way really made your life better, or is it more of the same? My guess is more of the same! (I speak from experience though, were all in this together) 
Next time you step on your mat, dont focus on what you can or cant do. Just remember your vast potential is and how yoga allow's you to tap into that. Surrender to what is, not how you wished you were different and let go of comparison's. Silence the ego, (your lower self), just meditate on the moment. Dwell on your strength and beauty,(your higher self) and how far you've come. Because chances are, you have made much more progress than you give yourself credit for!
Be of no mind, letting go of analyzing and simply trust your intuition:
"Art reaches it's greatest peak when devoid of self consciousness. Freedom discover's man the moment he loses concern over what impression he is making or about to make."
Bruce Lee....Yup, be of no mind 

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