Sunday, January 30, 2011

Letting go is part of the path to liberation

Theres comes a point in our life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always wil. So don't worry about people from your past. There is a reason why they didn't make it to your future.....

Find peace and contentment in your life today. Dont sit around wishing harm on those who hurt you or revenge. Because ultimately you only       
hurt yourself, because you're giving someone power over you that they dont deserve. And were all part of the same experience on this planet. Meaning that you we all share the same energy, both good and bad. You reap what you sow.
If you sow anger,bitterness, resentment  and pain you will be stuck in that until you see the folly of your way's. I speak from experience! Of course you have a right to be bitter and pissed of indefinately, but why?? All your achieving is inviting negative, poisonous energy. This cut's you off from your source of love and peaceful energy. Your intuitive mind know's this is harmful, do you have the courage to listen to it?
Your energy will be blocked, your mind, body and soul will all suffer manifested in sickness, stress and anxiety. 
Bruce Lee once said that the fist is not a weapon against your opponent, but against yourself. Meaning that through self discipline you overcome greed, anger, seflishness etc. All product's of the ego that block your energy and trap you in fear. And all negativity is based in fear and ignorance, only to keep you trapped in the lie that your bad thought's and failure's define you.
You might think that your body is solid mass, but it's not. It's made out of cell's bound together. Comprised of molecules, comprised of atom's and by electron's. At it's most  basic but dynamic level, you are pure energy. Quantum physic's confirm's this. You are a spiritual being learning how to overcome the illusion's that you are seperated from your higher self, from your friend's and family. Even from those who hurt you. We all effect each other on a deeper, metaphysical level, whether we know it or not! 
Next time you step onto your yoga mat know that you can cultivate a deeper awareness of the truth about yourself and how your practice of well being through self awareness can carry into all aspect's of your life. The ego may try to keep you off your mat, that's because it want's to hide from the light of your awareness that can come out through your practice that's rooted in patience and well being.
Yoga is a tool to help you cut to the root of your mind, to get past the illusion's of your lower self as you find truth and peace. 
God help's those who help's themselve's. You are the one you've been waiting for because only you can step out in faith into your own journey, an inward and outward  journey into power.......

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