Monday, January 18, 2010

A meditation on death

Accepting our own mortality is actually an important part of being alive. I dont see this as morbid or depressing at all. When you live out of an awareness of the temporal nature of life it becomes more precious.
Knowing that im going somewhere better when i die allows me to have a better perspective on life. Knowing that all things pass, no matter how hard they seem, that there is an end to them. That the pain we go through is like the passing winter storm, eventually spring comes and so does growth like the renewal of hope.
I also think grattitude and humility comes out of acknowledging our own mortality, thus life needs to be lived as an expression of those things. Meaning we live out of grattitude for the gift of life and all the blessings it offers, we offer up our lives to serve God and others in humility.
Im grateful i dont have to carry the burden of my fate, just as i dont have to carry the dead weight of knowing all that will happen in my life. Both of these represent something that has caused people  everywhere much suffering, the desire to control.
Losing this desire means we lose something that we really dont need anyway, surrendering to divine providence means were free to be ourselves. Control however can be like a snake around your neck, always constricting, never giving.
This in turn causes tension in ourselves and in our relations with others, causing pressure and pain.
To awaken to the possibility that our hearts can be free of this is a wonderful gift, i remember this as i awaken from sleep every morning, that i have a choice. The choice to walk in Gods grace and blessings, in the freedom of dying to myself. Because when i do this, i allow my heart to shine forth.
I shine when i have real moments of awakening through on my yoga mat, when i hurt and surrender myself to divine healing. Those moments of both joy and tragedy that are fully experienced. Experience becomes wisdom, leading to revelation of who i truly am.
These moments are found when i walk my edge, finding just how far my strength truly reaches through times of testing and full awareness of the flow of life in my spirit.
Its also realized when terrible things happen and my reaction to them, such as divorce. After a short but exhausting time of trying to control the situation, i simply let go, of my ex and everything else. I simply determined not to let someone else determine my fate, or my happiness. I have forgiven her while also refusing to carry the weight of her decisions. I let go of the situation and walked away in peace, i did this by dying to my desires, such as the need to control and know everything! This ultimately  led to joy because i know im not a failure.

What burdens are you carrying today and what will happen if you let them go?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Is trauma also our training?

 " You can never change the past . But by the grace of God, you can win the future. So remember those things which will help you forward, but forget those things which only hold you back" Richard C. Woodsome

You cant be pitiful and powerful at the same time. This is something that has kept me going when i was tempted to fall into self pity, remembering to not give into despair. I simply let the tears come when they need ed to and wash my soul in them. I once observed that standing in the warm rain was like a baptism in my own pain, the warmth of the spring rain can be refreshing because pain passes as the rain does. Then the sun comes, and with it rejoicing.
The bad things we go through can serve as oppurtunities for growth, they actually help us understand life better. To help us see what happens when we actually welcome what happens as life lessons. Not a pit to lose our faith in, but a way to go to the next level. The wounds we carry that are healed end up as scars upon our souls. Not as reminders of our victimhood, but of Gods faithfullness.
Trauma can become the means by wich we are prepared to do miraculous things, meaning greatness often comes out of tribulation. This is also the power of personal choice, what we do with our past often impacts our future in significant ways.
We should never give up on ourselves, this is a temptation ive faced many times, to surrender to despair. To use pain for a crutch and limp along through life. But thats not the way to live in abundance. Theres so much more in life if we look past our pain and into the future with hope.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The true value of risk

Those who are willing to risk find what lies just on the other side of fear.

Those who risk being vulnerable invite love into their lives. Those who risk loving have fuller lives.
Those who speak the truth risk being scorned by those who would rather live in complacency. But they have peace for doing the right thing.
Those who act in courage risk being labeled an outcast, but they find the truth in a world of lies.
Those who refuse believing others lies about them risk whats familiar for a better tomorrow. But they see more clearly outside their comfort zones.
Those who walk away from unhealthy relationships risk losing much, but abundance awaits them on the other side.
Those who try something new risk losing their old identity, but they may find who they truly are.
Those who take risks to succeed find the rewards on the other side of potential failure.
Those who never risk never know failure, pain, heartache, loss, personal tragedy. But they never know the opposite of those things either. Life becomes a prison of comfortable misery for them.

What risks are you willing to take today? And what will happen if you do.....or dont?
Every dies, not everyone truly lives...think  about it..

Sunday, January 3, 2010

This aching cold (prose)

The autumn leaves have fallen and faded under withering snow. Just as loves warmth can sometimes
become frigid and my heart hath become scattered as dead leaves upon gusting wind.
'Tis the season of this loves decline, something i have long foreseen, yet not wished for.
So unbearable these empty words have become.
Words of promise, and praise that cannot bear the weight of your contempt. I cannot recall all thats
been lost to the devouring pain as desire is torn asunder from us.
All the cold of your empty words hath bled the the warmth from my heart.

Love has ended in ashes of impermanence.
But there is no sadness left for me, ive run out of tears for you. Finding a renewing freedom in sweet
Theres too much hardness in your touch i remember, while tender things lay shriveled. softness for
you has left my gaze and my hands.