Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Awareness is boundless

"Awareness has no frontier; it is a giving of your whole being, without exclusion. .....and awareness, which is total and excludes nothing, are states of mind that can be understood only by objective, non prejudiced observation."
Bruce Lee

You find truth when you have the patience to simply sit still and observe. In your breath, in your body, in the beauty of the simple pleasures of life. Learn to observe and accept thing's as they are, good or bad, light or dark
Knowing there are no boundaries between yourself and other's, between your spirit and God's. That everything is simply connected and we are all simply human. And that is a very good thing to be! Destined to realize our full potential, if we are objective about ourselves and learn first and foremost to accept ourselve's this is often the best foundation for our personal growth.
To not be happy with stagnation but to lovingly guide ourselve's into fullness and contentment, knowing very often that your best teacher can be yourself! And giving yourself permission to trust in your own wisdom, your own intuition. This is a form of honest self expression and has a way of bringing out the best in us. And when we give generously to ourselve's, we are in a place to give to other's.
An awareness that we all have a unique expression of the soul to bring forth and that we are powerful beyond word's. Not the power to hurt, but to love and to inspire other's.
And dont be distressed if life has brought you 'bad' thing's lately. Choose to have awareness of what you can learn from it. this is often life's way of waking us up to live more fully free of attachement's. Often when we  think something 'bad' happened it's God's way of releasing us from the very attachment's that made us miserable to begin with. It also serves to expand our awareness.
Think about it....

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